Monday, February 15, 2010
Polymer Clay Baby Doll Friedolina got her Wings
Friedolina is pouting or do I see the beginning of a little smile? Now she has Wings.....but still no shoes.....
Wings for Clay Baby doll
Wings were attached to back of Doll by sewing on a pipe cleaner. A loop at the ends of the main wire
was then used to secure each wing.
I had planned ahead when I designed her two piece dress toi be buttened in the back.
was then used to secure each wing.
I had planned ahead when I designed her two piece dress toi be buttened in the back.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Making Fairy Wings with Textiva and wire
Fairy Wings will now get a coat of Delta Ceramcoat Matte Varnish next to add strength and for a nice finish
The tutorial by Deb Woods can be found here:
Making Fairy Wings using Textiva and Wires
A coat of Gallery Glass Clear Frost was applied with a paintbrush and then sprinkled with Micro beads
Making Fairy Wings using Textiva and wires
Making Fairy Wings from Textiva and wires
Making Fairy Wings from Textiva

Making Fairy Wings using Textiva and Wires
and decided to make them.Here I placed the Textiva Fantasy Film over the Wings drawing
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Polymer Clay Baby Angel Doll
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