Friday, April 30, 2010
Hooked and Braided Pillow
The Pillow's back was embellished with an oval shaped piece of fused Angelina Fiber which was heat stamp embossed with a Dragonfly, then the perimeter was beaded and attached .
To join the front and backpieces I made a black cotton fabric ruffle and stitched it by hand. To stuff the pillow I made an oval shaped case and filled it with goose feathers...ahhhhh,nice !
Hooked and Braided Pillow
The Valley Forge Rug Braiders Guild , of which I am a member, posted a Braided Rug Flower Challenge to be entered by May 2010 to be judged at the Annual Braid-in Weekend Workshop with the only pre-requisite that each piece be at least 50% braided.
So, I decided to make a braided black backing to be used with the hooked Petula front . Here I am lacing a contrasting woolen border braid onto the black oval, which was braided with strips of black polyester suede and satin.
Hooked and Braided Pillow

This hooking project was started last Summer during a heat spell which kept me indoors with the AC ON !
I saw the "Petula " pattern in a Rug Hooking Magazine which inspired me to use up all those left over wool
pieces I had collected
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wendy & Toby Froud Easter weekend Workshop in NY
I just loved the Critter that Wendy designed and brought to the workshop and my Troll Critter Bobo looks like quite similar .....he wants a companion ....
...and here we are showing off our newly created Polymer Clay sculpted creatures....

Beaded Holiday Brooch
The American Embroidery Guild of America, Covered Bridge Chapter, of which I am a member, has a group of ladies who have been meeting for several years specializing in beading. The Needle Arts issue September 2009 included a Bead work project designed by Carolyn Sherman, we decided to make.
Beaded Holiday Brooch
Beaded Holiday Brooch
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