My view from my Perch were I do most of my Artsy creativities...29F almost windstill- still nothing would make me sit all day on ice ...but then...it's a Men thing - getting away from the woman....hahaaa

Using Grrrrip Glue and floral tape I attached the branches to the wooden dowel...coming along pretty good and fast....

Cut 18 gauge floral fabric wrapped wires to size and cutting a fringe from a strip of wool fabric

My friend Barbara from the Valley Forge Braiders Guild gave me the instructions for making these trees from scraps of wool . We Braiders and Hookers always have wool left over from projects, so I used what I had at hand...will use fabric dye and / or fabric paint to make it green after the glue has set ...also will have to make a nice base for my tree ...think I will use Polymer clay

My Grandson Zachary and his big brother Tyler decorated the best GingerBread House ever...in Omi's kitchen...such fun ! big smile - happy face- these are precious moments !