Friday, February 21, 2014
Ankie Daane's online class "Flat Brat ":
from a Styrofoam circle -ready for painting and costuming

she is going into town for a Gin-tonic -as Ankie commented
multi-media treatment was applied- Viva gel over stencil sheets, when dry pattern was treated with blue Mixed Media Inx ,which were then heat set
My Flat Brat doll is standing by herself again showing her attitude...hahaha
Flat Brat Doll ,Ankie Daanen's Online class
Monday, February 3, 2014
Attended a KNIT-OUT held at the Pottstown Brookside CountryClub and took a class on knitting short rows and made this Starfish Dishcloth knitted with cotton yarn
Lucky ME won a door prize, a scented candle in a cable knit sweater design ceramic jar.
Lucky ME won a door prize, a scented candle in a cable knit sweater design ceramic jar.
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