Sunday, June 8, 2008
In January 2008 our SewSewDoll Club invited Arley Berryhill to come...
Arley Berryhill with his design
Peacock Lady
My Peacock Lady
from his home in New Mexico to teach his workshop "Peacock Lady"to a group of 12 dollmakers .
Peacock Lady
Tery, who had done all of the planning and communications with Arley, and I went to Newark ,NJ Airport to pick him up. Tery held his photo and we waited in anticipation hoping we would recognize him which we did !
The next day we all met at AnneMarie's home in NJ and spent two fun filled days creating our costumed dolls.
Arley was a lot of fun and who will ever forget his laughing?
Layering different type of fabrics, draping them and selecting colors was the main learning experience of the workshop , but being in AnneMarie's home , her huge lower level party room surrounded with a variety of collected antiques was a treat in itself...
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